Aug 3Liked by John Kelly

Feeling your pain from scorching hot Arizona! Good stuff, thank you sir.

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Aug 5Liked by John Kelly

Our family went to Japan in late June, early July 2010. Our local elementary school had a Japanese Immersion program, and after sixth grade graduation, some families took a trip with some of the teachers.

I remember literally losing the ability to breathe for a second or two the moment I set foot outside of Narita for the first time. It was not so bad in less crowded areas, but walking through Tokyo, it was brutal.

Fortunately, there are vending machines everywhere, so you can replenish! :-)

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Yeah, I don't know why Tokyo seemed so much worse than Washington, which is not dissimilar in summer weather. But there's definitely a qualitative difference.

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Aug 4Liked by John Kelly

We live in Ohio. Earlier today, I told my wife, "I remember when it was pleasant to take walks in the summer."

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Ever since I started living in Japan in 1982 I have told friends and family to never ever visit the country between June and mid-September. Like everybody in Japan I was shocked when the 2020 Tokyo Olympics were scheduled for August. Covid moved them to 2021 and prevented fans from attending, which was almost certainly a blessing in disguise.

Truly sorry you had to go through all the humid heat of Japan in July, John. Glad you did not succumb to it. Next time, try April–May or late September–early November. The very best times to visit Japan.

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Thanks for the comment. Having grown up in Washington, D.C., I really thought I knew what hot, humid weather was. But there is an order of magnitude difference in Japan.

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I wasn't aware that Washington, D.C. was so hot and humid. Good to know!

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This brought back memories of other inimitable Japanese signage, and lugging my dog on the Tokyo metro during a July '18 trip to Japan (you might find that description interesting: under "Dogmender" on https://ethanchorin.substack.com/. Looking forward to more!

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Glad you enjoyed it despite the heat, definitely a place I'd recommend everybody visiting as its amazing, just in different months. Been twice now and both times was in September/October, when it should be a little cooler. The only shock was the first day we landed in our first trip, the summer returned and it hit temperatures my pasty white English body had never encountered before, add on the 12 hour flight, and that I'd flown out after a night shift with zero sleep foolishly thinking "I'll just sleep on the plane"... Landed after being awake for 27 hours into what felt like the waiting room for hell, the sun truly is a different beast out there... Temps dropped after that and, then it was only the rain we had to contend with, being from the UK that was pretty much standard.

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We were pretty lucky with the rain, with only one semi-monsoon. Unfortunately, it was the day we had tickets for a Hiroshima Carps game and it was rained out. Still, the team store in the ballpark stayed open so we filled up on merch.

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Excellent stuff. Wanted to see a game while out there but there were none on. We did catch the Japanese national team take on Korea on the TV in the evenings though.

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